Thursday, August 5, 2010

happy birthday to my superhero...

We've been so busy, that I've barely had time to blog and wish my little superhero a Happy 5th Birthday. He's been so excited about turning, not so much. I remember, so clearly, the day we found out we were pregnant with Oliver and the day I gave birth to him. I can't believe he's already 5. I feel like he was a 7lb 10oz baby yesterday and I woke up to find a 50lb 5 year old in my bed. Amazing. Oliver is clever, curious, silly, goofy, sensitive, loving, caring, active, talkative, and all boy. I love him dearly. I'm so lucky to have him in my life, everyday. Happy Birthday little man.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

summer is coming to an end...

It's summer and I haven't made time to blog. I don't even know what to say these days. The kids say something hilariously funny every day - I can't even remember half the stuff they say. We're laughing alot around here. Sad summer is almost over - the hubby and I have to go back to work. Oliver is starting kinder in August and every time I think about it, I cry. Can't believe he's almost 5. Why does it go so fast? I know he'll do well and surely make his teacher laugh as much as we do. Leni will miss her big brother - they are so close. I'm trying to enjoy every last minute before mid-August and hopefully we'll have some great memories.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

2 going on 16...

Leni, my 2 year old daughter, is anything but a typical 2 year old. Her language and vocabulary is, to say the least, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I can say that because I have a soon-to-be 5 year old boy who talked alot (and still does), but you never could understand one thing he was saying. She's been talking for a long time now and we're astonished everyday by the things she says. She already knows her colors and shapes, and has for awhile...although that's not what I'm talking about when I say she amazes us. She's 2 going on 16 - this is what she told me the other day...

"Mommy, stop bothering me. I no like you."

Uhhhh. What? Her words can already cut your heart like a teenager would do. I wasn't sure whether or not I should laugh or cry. Everyone keeps saying, "Wait till she's 16." I don't think we have that long. It's more like, "Wait till she's 4." Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll be a quite teenager. Maybe?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

queen of hearts...

From time to time, I like to post things I find beautiful here. Like this dress from Etsy. Although it's for little girls, I would love to have one for me and my daughter. Isn't it fabulous? Feathers and leopard print - every girls dream. Who wouldn't feel like the Queen of Hearts in this dress?

Friday, June 25, 2010

crowded hive on esty...

You can finally purchase the fabulous Crowded Hive bracelets on Esty!

Friday, June 18, 2010

probably, not a good sign...

My daughter loves to dance around the house naked, in her plastic play heels. My husband isn't amused when I joke, "That's not a good sign."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

dearest blog, i do apologize...

Dear Blog,

I am sorry, once again, that I am neglecting you. It's summer and, quite frankly, I'm enjoying my days being a stay-at-home Mom, relaxing, and pretty much doing nothing. Basically, if you're not a kid or a Corona, you're not my priority right now. I'll be back soon...maybe.
